Tag Archive: Chipboard
The TICCIT to Sustainability
Leave a CommentOne of the key buzzwords in manufacturing in recent year has been sustainability. As manufacturers, we have realized that responsible, sustainable manufacturing practices are the way into the future. Eco-conscious, sustainable production is good for our environment, our community, and our business. As part of a sector that can do great things with sustainability, we here at M&M Box & Partitions always keep abreast of developments.
The TICCIT program is a yearly outreach program, held to honor Earth Day. The name stands for “Trees Into Cartons, Cartons Into Trees”, and helps to show the renewability and sustainability of paper and paperboard packaging. The event involves box and packaging manufacturing companies partnering with local schools.
The companies donate saplings of native trees, and have students bring in paper-based containers such as milk or juice cartons, a tissue box, or other similar box. The companies then show the children how to plant the saplings in their boxes, and instructs them on planting the units in the ground. The cartons work as both protection and as a water funnel for the trees, and will eventually biodegrade, helping to feed the tree. This helps to demonstrate the cycle to the children.
100% Recycled Chipboard
It’s not just once a year that we at M&M practice renewable, sustainable manufacturing. We aim to reduce the waste in manufacturing by utilizing post-consumer materials as much as possible in our processes. The chipboard used in our recycled packaging products is made of 100% recycled material, and is perfect for use in industries ranging from automotive to pharmaceutical.
On top of using recycled materials, we return scraps, paper, and box cuttings back to the paper mills. At the mills, these bits and pieces are pulped and filtered, blended, rolled and died, and then sized and sheeted and returned back to manufacturers. The resulting chipboard is just as high-quality and as useful as fresh chipboard, but with a sense of environmental responsibility.
At M&M Box and Partitions, we will continue to seek out ways to introduce sustainability and renewability into our manufacturing process. The packaging sector is one of the leaders in sustainable manufacturing, and we will strive to be one of the leaders in the packaging sector into the future.
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Posted in: Recycled Packaging Materials
Tags: Cardboard, Chipboard, Manufacturing, Recycle, Sustainability
How the Cardboard Box Was Invented
Leave a CommentSometimes to really appreciate something that is so simple, like a cardboard box, requires no more than a little imagination or, perhaps, some research into the past. That which we take for granted often can be the most sorely missed from the day-to-day.
Imagine No Cardboard
Imagine all those trips to the post office to mail something that won’t fit in an envelope, or pouring out cereal from that colorful box with the free game on the back, or that big move where you packed box after cardboard box of your belongings. Actually, how about imagining the alternative? This would be a life without cardboard. Likely the alternatives would be any combination of the following: Heavy, breakable and/or prohibitively expensive. Yes, this is the surprising importance of the ever so humble cardboard box.
As with so many things paper-related, (or with noodles and gunpowder), it all begins in ancient China, some three or four thousand years in the past. Apparently, citizens of the Han Dynasty utilized thick, treated sheets of tree bark to wrap and protect food items. After a long stretch of time, paper in general and cardboard in particular made it to European culture in large part due to the famous Silk Road. It would still be quite some time before we would see something taking the form of what we now know as the “cardboard box.” In 1856 a certain haberdashery wanted a material shaped as a box that could retain its own shape and protect the hats contained within. One might say that cardboard boxes perhaps owe their ubiquitous quality to the difficulty posed by storing and protecting something akin to Lincoln’s stovepipe hat.
M & M Box, which has been manufacturing chip, corrugated and specialty board partitions since 1968, owes its very existence to this invention. Call or email today to discover how M & M Box can help fulfill your shipping material needs.
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Posted in: Paperboard
Tags: Cardboard, Chipboard, History, Packaging, Paperboard